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All the right tools,
just a click away
Gain an edge with our powerful tools. From in-depth metrics to advanced portfolio management features, our tools are designed to empower you to make informed investment decisions.

Explore the Markets
Stay on top of the latest market trends and asset performance with real-time data and analysis.

Delta Account
Log in with eToro to create a free Delta account, and always have your portfolio available anywhere, even on new devices.

Keep track of your favorite assets and receive updates on their performance. Easily monitor assets of interest, even if you don't own them (yet).

Portfolio Overview
Get a comprehensive overview of all your investments grouped by asset class, and see gains and losses, get advanced metrics, and more.

Smart Alerts & Notifications
Stay up to date with real-time price alerts and personalized notifications for your assets.

Asset Detail Screen
Delta has everything you need to know about any asset available at a glance. Check price ranges, charts, news, and much more!

Custom Price Alerts
Set up custom price alerts to track specific assets or price thresholds.

Delta Direct
Get news and updates about your favorite crypto projects straight from the source, with direct notifications from the team.

Dark & Light Mode
Never wake up your partner when checking the charts ever again. Choose between a dark or light theme as you see fit.